Monday, November 29, 2010

Update of SQL For TSM 6.1

So the previous select is not compatible with TSM 6.1 so I was searching through the IBM Redbooks for TSM and found changes to make TSM conform to SQL standards.  There are changes to the TSM supported time functions.  Here is the link, it's under Appendix B.

def script event-check desc="Events - Exceptions"
upd script event-check "/* ---------------------------------------------*/"
upd script event-check "/* Script Name: event-check                          */"
upd script event-check "/* ---------------------------------------------*/"
upd script event-check '  select -'
upd script event-check '  schedule_name, -'
upd script event-check '   cast(SUBSTR(CHAR(actual_start),12,8) as char(8)) AS START, - '
upd script event-check '   node_name, -'
upd script event-check '   cast(status as char(10)) as "STATUS", -'
upd script event-check '    case -'
upd script event-check "      when result=0  then ' 0-Succ' -"
upd script event-check "      when result=4  then ' 4-SkFi' -"
upd script event-check "      when result=8  then ' 8-Warn' -"
upd script event-check "      when result=12 then '12-Errs' -"
upd script event-check "      else cast(result as char(7)) -"
upd script event-check '    end -'
upd script event-check '      as "RESULT" -'
upd script event-check '  from events -'
upd script event-check '  where timestampdiff(8, char(current_timestamp-scheduled_start))<=24 -'
upd script event-check '    and result<>0 and node_name is not NULL'

Friday, November 26, 2010

Previously Unknown TSM SQL Feature

So while doing some script maintenance on a TSM server I came across this select statement and was shocked to see the CASE option in a select. I've used it in shell scripts but didn't think TSM allowed for it. Well it does and it works. Go figure!  (Runs on a TSM server).

/* ---------------------------------------------*/
/* Script Name: eventx */
/* ---------------------------------------------*/
select -
schedule_name as "Schedule Name ", -
cast(substring(cast(scheduled_start as character(26)) from 12 for 8) as char(8)) as "Sched", -
node_name, -
cast(status as char(10)) as "Status", -
case -
when result=0 then ' 0-Succ' -
when result=4 then ' 4-SkFi' -
when result=8 then ' 8-Warn' -
when result=12 then '12-Errs' -
else cast(result as char(7)) -
end -
as "Result" -
from events -
where current_timestamp-scheduled_start<interval '24' hours -
and result<>0

I saw this and a whole new world opened up before my eyes! The possibilities!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

TSM 6.1...Finally!!!

So I have landed on my feet as a contractor and where I am currently working they are migrating to 6.1.4 TSM from 5.x versions. In their testing they found a 36GB DB took 14 hours for the complete migration of the DB. This time includes completing storage pool migration, stopping all processes, and bringing down the original TSM server clean.  So I am not looking forward to the large 100+GB DB's.  I also find it interesting how many companies have not migrated to version 6. The only reason they are going  to 6.1.x is that it has been tested and 6.2 has not (their testing process is long and tedious).  So what has everyone else seen as their average migration time from 5.x to 6.x?