Thursday, January 17, 2008

Backupset TOC

I wanted to clear up an error in a statement I made either here or about backupset TOC's. I previously thought that the TOC for a backupset was not portable. I was wrong. After looking into the DEFINE BACKUPSET command I realized that a TOC can be generated for a backupset after the fact. This feature helps make it more portable and requires that a TSM server be available to store the TOC. A TSM server is required to rebuild the TOC, but if the backupset is meant to be portable you can skip the TOC creation locally and allow the alternate TSM server to create it when you define the backupset to it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

TSM Express Flaw!

I don't know how many of you readers use TSMExpress but there is a flaw that has been identified by IBM. ComputerWorld has a description of the flaw here. So if you do have TSMExpress in use make sure you look into this.

VSS issues on Windows

October last year I blogged about VSS issues on Windows. Here is another link which may help troubleshooting;


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2008 Suggestions

We here at TSMExpert are looking for topics for the coming year. If you have a TSM related topic you would like discussed let us know by posting a comment below and we'll consider all suggestions. If you have a wish to contribute a post on a specific topic all you need to do is send me an e-mail here with the information and we'll gladly consider it (I am always looking for contributors to

Bare Metal Restore

All the best for 2008
Bare Meal Restore - Put simply

For W2K the TSM dsm.opt DOMAIN ALL-LOCAL is the default, this will include
SYSTEMOBJECT backup for incrementals.

Backup Commands:
dsmc incr

TSM Windows 2000 restore steps:
1. Repartition, format harddrive
2. Install W2K, set computername to original
3. Install appropriate W2K Service Pack
4. Install tsm ba client
5. dsmc restore c:\ -replace=all -subdir=yes
6. dsmc restore systemobject
7. Reboot

Ryan Partington