Friday, April 27, 2012

db2adutl Error

I recently had an issue with a client and storage agent upgrade that resulted in problems with the db2adutl utility being unable to return any data. Here's the errors:


Error: Begin query image failed with TSM return code 136

Error: Get next image failed with TSM return code 2041

I pretty much knew what caused the error, the problem was how to fix it. The cause was due to an upgrade of the TSM client on the DB2 server that (after further investigation) could not support the more current TSM Storage Agent. An OS patch would have to be applied, however, that could not be done without an outage. Our only option was to roll the client back to a supported TSM client / storage agent level. The problem was that while attempting to figure out a better solution than rolling back the client the DB2 database had run a backup.  When the client API was rolled back it could not "interpret" the new API's backup causing the db2adutl errors.

Support suggested renaming the node or the file space (file space is better since you don't have to stop and start db2 to reset the password as you would with the new node name). I didn't want to have to do either. The backups taken since the rollback were good, but db2adutl couldn't return the list of backups as long as the objects done with the newer API were still present. Luckily I have been dealing with Oracle admins long enough to have a solid grasp on manually deleting objects on the TSM server. When Oracle DBA's neglect their RMAN duties, I pulled out my trusty delete object command and I was able to remove the backup objects from the period of time that the new API had been used. Once completed db2adutl was able to immediately see it's backups and return a list of what was available.

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