Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Backupsets & TCopy

OK, I am going to throw a question out into the TSM world and see what you people think. I was asked at work if a Backupset could be copied using the UNIX tcopy command? I thought about it and since Backupsets are independent of the TSM server I would think, in theory, it should. The only issue I could see would be needing to define the copy to TSM, since it would have no record of it. The benefit would be that I would not need to mount the tapes all over again to run the Backupset. The reason I ask is that a customer wanted two copies of a full backup of a server to archive forever. Anyone ever tried it, any theories? They are all welcome!


  1. Haven't tried it, but it does sound logical.

    Does the server even need to know about it? (If you plan on restoring from a client)

    ...let us know how it works out

  2. It is indeed possible. I already did with dd tough to migrate backupsets from LTO-2 to LTO-3.

    Then, you just need to use define backupset command, and that's all folks.

    Regards, Olivier
