Monday, August 29, 2005

New TSM Features

For those unaware IBM has added two new items to the TSM portfolio that I think take it a step above in its service offering. The first is Continuous Data Protection for Files. This software add-on will allow for invisible, real-time file replication. Basically the minute you create a new file it is replicated in a backup location. The following features are available for replication:

  • A copy is stored locally

  • A copy can be saved to a fileserver or NAS

  • A copy can be sent to a TSM server

The product does not require TSM and looks to solve a lot of problems with large fileservers. I’ll admit, I want this as soon as it comes available. The one problem I see is who is going to buy the disk required for this?

The second piece I have seen a need for some time is HSM for Windows. Well wait no longer, it’s here! IBM has just announced HSM for Windows. As with other products it allows you to migrate files off of a server when it reaches a certain age but provides for file level granularity, as the file is now a stub linked to the actual file in TSM storage. To learn more about both products you can read up on them here.


  1. How would it compete with Windows versioning and MS WSUS? What are the benefits of using CDP over WSUS?

    Nice site, another addition in my browser favorites.
    I am new to TSM hence visiting the related websites, one of those is this one.


  2. In my opinion,

    The benefit would be you can use this product cross platform and intergrate it into your existing TSM infastructure.

  3. Agreed, it may be worth increasing my disk pool space to accommodate these activities during the day. Assuming the integration with TSM will use your management classes and allow the files to traverse your storage hierarchy.
