Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Oracle RMAN Catalogue Cleanup

Why do people love Oracle? When I hear mention of Oracle I think of Luke Skywalker when he saw the Millenium Falcon, "What a piece of junk!" Like the Falcon it looks clunky, breaks down easily, and has the most tempermental behavior. When it's running, however, it screams. The problem is that the RMAN catalogue sometimes doesn't do appropriate cleanup. If you want to make sure that a particular node is performing cleanup within TSM run the following select command -

select object_id from backups where node_name= and
backup_date < '2005-07-01 00:00:00'

This can be redirected to a file then used later to delete with an undocumented delete command. I will give the delete command out to those who need it, but remember any deletion from the TSM DB is done AT YOUR OWN RISK! It's unsupported because Tivoli doesn't trust you to not screw stuff up, and although I don't think you will, it's better safe then sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Did this replace the 'delete record' command only accessible by the ibm id?
